
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

"Sunflower Family" 22 x 22 Mixed media (watercolor and pencil)
It's my baby's 21st birthday today.... Happy Birthday Bobby!
He's in California working on his music by night and "courier to the stars" by day. We are so proud of him!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

"Who Ate All the Sour-balls" 14 x 11 watercolor

I have these glasses with feet...they just amuse the heck outta me!

Quote of the day:

"Spring is natures way of saying, "Let's Party!"

~Robin Williams

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

"Singing the Blues" acrylic, 6 x 6 on wood

I'm just playing around....I have 3 of these "gessobord" panels...they are 6 x 6 x 2 inches....You can just stand them on a table top, or hang I need to paint her 2 mates so I can have a trio. :)

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Tara's Tulips Watercolor and colored pencil 15 x 11

...a detail photo.

We hosted a wedding shower for a friend of ours over the weekend...Someone brought these beautiful tulips and left them at the house...I don't know who left them, and I assume they were for the bride to be, who forgot to take them with her with all the commotion. I decided to paint them because the leaves just seemed especially animated! :) Tara's Tulips was a fun and welcome break from the large acrylic of Turnberry I've been working on...Thanks for checking in!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Work in progress (wip) acrylic 24 x 40

Still plugging away at Don's painting...I wanted to have it done by the weekend...don't think it will be, unfortunately....I have to resolve the lower left side...adding texture within the already stated value range...(values are the lightness or darkness of a if you are removing the color and looking at it in black and white)

Have a great weekend! The weather here is just glorious today....which is a big reason why this painting won't be done. :)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

"Ranunculus" 8 x 10 watercolor and colored pencil

Another gorgeous day here in Oxford, Michigan....the garden clean-up is calling me (after a bit more painting time)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

this is a work in progress (wip)...24 x 40 inches...acrylic.

My husband (Don) took a golfing trip to Scotland summer before last. He snapped some photos while playing and I'm painting from one of his pictures....always a huge challenge for me, not having been there to see for myself....It was one of those cloudy then sunny then rainy days....So I guess this is (or will be) about the weather, rather than the golf course. I have a devil of a time photographing acrylics. The sheen of them gives my camera fits....

Thursday, April 10, 2008

I took this photo in May of 2005....I've never seen a rainbow quite like eventually evolved into a double rainbow....this image is right from the camera...not photo shopped, other than making the file smaller for the web. Neato eh? :)

finders keepers hint...

If you are walking or running on Polly Ann trail....right near Indianwood just might be a "finder"....It was still there as of 8 am this morning! hehehehe

*edit....I've heard from the "finder" of #14! what fun! :)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

This is an 8 x 10 plein air painting (painting outside on site) from last summer...sigh...haven't made it outside to paint yet this year....I've been doing yard work on the nice days we've had.

finders keepers Lake Orion....if you like to walk or run the Polly Ann just might find it! I'll know tomorrow if it's been picked up....I usually don't hear from the finders...but that's ok....I still get a kick out of doing this :) Happy hunting!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

It's time for another "finders keepers" release! Be on the look-out all you potential finders!
Number 14 will be placed today somewhere in Oxford or Lake Orion Michigan...I'm going to give hints later today, as to where I've left it. hehehe

edit.... #14 was found! Here is the email I received:

"My friend and i were embarking on a journey across town. Today was a fairly cloudy day and we started to feel some rain. At this point we were half way to our destination so we thought we were about to get soaked. that was when i stumbled upon your rock with the four leaf clover on it. This was also ironic because i was wearing my lucky shirt with guess what (a four leaf clover) on it. but anyway the rain stopped!"

This is what makes the finders keepers project fun for me....I love getting the notes when they are found! Thanks for writing finder #14!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Has spring sprung??? Oh my gosh it's a gorgeous day here today!

I just finished this small (5x7) ink and wash house portrait for a friend of mine....she and her neighbors have been so supportive of seems whenever any of the neighbors move....they have a going away party and commission me to do a small house portrait as a memento for them. It's usually a surprise...hope these friends don't look at my blog before their party! LOL

Enjoy this beautiful April day! I'm going to play in the yard.....

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Celebrate April 1st by being foolish! Lord knows there is worrisome news everywhere we turn lately. It’s overwhelming. So my friends…. I’m looking for fun and joy….have a funny story? Share it! Be a fairy godmother for someone…Do an unasked for favor for somebody. (unasked for favors are a lot more fun to do than asked for favors..LOL)

So…. in keeping with my “just for the fun of it” theme today …I’m releasing another finders keepers somewhere in Oxford, Michigan today... (#15...I know I'm out of order......15 seemed a really good April fool's choice....#14 will be released later) …..Keep your eyes peeled! :)