
Saturday, May 31, 2008

"Tree Squared" 13 x 13 mixed media

Quote of the Day
"If the kid in the middle is unmotivated, is it still keep-away?"-Chris C

Friday, May 30, 2008

"Think Pink" watercolor....15 x 11

This is one of the doodles I did while in Sarnia with my painting buddies....
I was just trying to let the paint do it's thing on this hot press paper. (Hot press is very smooth paper.) I had nothing in mind really...(some would say that's my natural state)...just doodling and gabbing.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

"Scripps Pond" 9.5 x 10.5 ... mixed media
I started this one last year at a plein air event at Scripps Mansion, here in Lake Orion Mi.
It was not a great plein air I waited a bit and then resolved some of the "issues" with white ink...and some softening here and there.
I just returned from Sarnia Ontario after a 3 night "play-date" with a couple of my art buddies. We painted...and chatted...and drank Margaritas....and laughed....
What fun!~

Sunday, May 25, 2008

This morning....the sun was just breaking through the fog and steam from the pond....It looked like a watercolor painting....just beautiful soft light....with the blues and violets of the fog...and the intense spring greens peeking out. What a lovely way to start the day!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

"Memorial Day" 7.5x5.5 Mixed Media
Enjoy this holiday weekend....the weather here in Michigan is superb!
We are going downtown Detroit to catch the Tiger game tonight....It'll be hoppin' down there with the Red Wings playing tonight too....Yeee Haw!

Friday, May 23, 2008

This is the first plein air painting I've done this year! (plein air is painting outside from life)
This is also the very first time this plant has other years the ground hog has devoured it before it could bloom.....I am grateful that it was left alone long enough this year!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

"Flow" 15 x 11 mixed media
I had some friends come over for dinner on Tuesday evening...("Flow" was purchased after dinner :))...Two of them are from Nova Scotia. We all had gotten to know each other quite well last weekend in Toronto, after attending what I call "the most fun wedding ever."

It was just a fantastic event! I was thinking about why it was just so darned fun, and I came to the conclusion that...yes...the weekend was planned and staged to perfection....and yes...the weather was glorious....and yes, the happy couple are two lovely people....but the element that made it so special was the guest list.

The guests that attended arrived with such a happy spirits and attitudes....genuinely thrilled to meet everyone and partake in the activities...I've never been to a wedding in which there was such spirited dancing! My husband commented that the last time we got him on a dance floor was in 1986! LOL It was just a very special lifted everyone's spirits I think...and was a wonderful start to the couples' new life together. We are all still glowing.

Enjoy your day!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

"Arcadia Bluffs" 8.5 x 8.5 watercolor sold

Funny of the day...

Golfer: "I think I am going to drown myself in the lake."
Caddie: "Do you think you can keep your head down that long?"

Friday, May 2, 2008

"Zack" watercolor about 11 x 14

This was the first pet portrait I ever did....Zack lives in Nova Scotia...along with his portrait.

What a darling subject....don't cha think?