
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Acrylic painting finished....i think.

"Bass Dreams" 12 x 12 Acrylic...

Well, I woke up this morning with fresh eyes and a fresh perspective. Brought the guitar back to life a bit....I think it has about the right importance now.... It was really hard to get a good photo of this one.... Well...I think I'm calling this one finished! I'm going to drop it off tomorrow at the Starkweather Gallery's 12 x 12 show in Romeo Michigan. Crossing my fingers that it will be included! :)
Edit...I was thrilled to fiind out not only did it get in the show...but won an honorable mention award. :)

Monday, September 29, 2008

A Frustrating Day of painting...

"Bass Dreams" 12 x 12 Acrylic....

I think this is just about finished...I'm not all that happy with it...It was a frustrating day of painting. Ah well.... It's tough when my skill doesn't match my ideas.... I think part of the problem is that at 12 x 12, the size of the canvas was too small.... Live and learn I guess. I'll look at it with fresh eyes tomorrow and maybe be able to think of something that will help.

Friday, September 26, 2008

New Acrylic, continued.....

"Bass Dreams"~ 12 x 12 ~ acrylic work in progress..
Day 2 on this one...I wasn't able to work very much today...I had to take the blue tape off because I find it influences my color choices too much. (I put the tape on to mask the gold gesso that covered the creates a bit of a mat)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Acrylic work in progress....

"Bass Dreams" ~ 12 x 12 ~ acrylic work in progress....(that's blue masking tape on the edges to mask the gold gessoed canvas.)

This is the really early preliminary work on a new painting... I took a photo of my youngest around 7 years ago.... He had fallen asleep with his guitar, and when I went in his room to wake him for school... this was (sort of) the scene I encountered. :) He had an early passion for sure.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Old Mission Peninsula...

Old Mission Peninsula... 5 x 7 watercolor sketch in my Moleskine

Yet another plein air watercolor sketch from my trip up to northern Michigan last week. Old Mission Peninsula is the land that separates the east and west Grand Traverse Bays. This spot is at the tippy top, northern most point. It's a rather unique shoreline...It appears as if the tide is out....which is impossible, since the great lakes aren't noticeably affected by tides...

I'm spending the day doing prep work (gessoing watercolor paper and making up collage paper) for an upcoming workshop with Robert Burridge in early October....can't wait!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Point Betsie Lighthouse

Point Betsie Lighthouse 5 x 7 In my Moleskine

Another of my plein air sketches from northern Michigan.

I think Point Betsie Lighthouse is one of the prettiest (and probably most painted and photographed) lighthouses in the area....We spent a lovely and blustery afternoon there.
The very best thing about plein air painting is that when you look at your sketches or paintings later...they immediately take you right back to the place and time that you painted it...I can feel the warm breezes and hear the gulls and the wind. Ahhhhhhhhhhh.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Plein Air...

The Platte River along Lake Michigan Road... 5 x 16 in...Watercolor in my Moleskine

Back from a plein air trip to northern Michigan...Around the Traverse City area. We had absolutely gorgeous weather Tuesday through Friday...I went with 2 painting friends from Canada...We had just a grand time. A great break from routine....

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Plein Air Trip!

"Deadstream, Honor MI"~ 8 x 8 ~ watercolor and casein (sold)

This is an older painting from my "year of painting" series....This stream meanders it's way to Lake Michigan....I'll be driving by here later today. :)

I'm off for a week to paint Plein Air with two of my Canadian painting buddies. We are headed up to the Traverse City area....the weather forecast looks stupendous!!! (knock on wood)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Gouache ink resist Bouquet...

"Bouquet" 7 x 5 inches Gouache Ink Resist
I have posted a demo on the Gouache Ink Resist technique on my website...You should try it!
Whenever I don't feel like I have enough time (or inclination) to get into some of my larger paintings that I have started, I seem to gravitate to these smaller quickie ones... Frivolous and fun.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Bunny Patrol!!!

"Bunny Patrol!" 5 x 7 watercolor and brown ink

These are 3 of my very good friends that walk with me each morning....They bring along their 2 legged companions just for kicks. Bunnies Beware!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Wax Resist and Watercolor....

This was a day of experimentation!!!! While cleaning up the studio (I've been such a good girl) I uncovered my batik supplies! So i decided to devote the afternoon to play.....complete ideas in mind at all...really a lot of fun to do once in a while!

Started with an unfinished watercolor, and painted over parts with bees wax....then more watercolor....

Started with a watercolor....found my Batik wax pen thingy...(i know that's not the right name)...and drew and dripped (accidentally...and then on purpose) with the hot wax.

Watercolor, then used a black crayola crayon on top of the paper that was sitting on a food warming tray turned up high...paper gets rather warm!