
Friday, October 31, 2008

Bouquet painted on Fabric

"Bouquet on Bugs" 7 x 5 acrylic (sold)

I am spending all my time getting ready for my open studio (Nov. 7 & 8)...but I'm still managing to sneak in some experimenting.... :) I applied this weird black background bug fabric to watercolor paper...and then painted the bouquet on top. :) fun fun fun! Definitely a Bob Burridge subject though....HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Push Is On....

"Sunrise" 5 x 7 acrylic (sold)
Still working on these small paintings for my open studio (next Friday and Saturday)....Having a lot of fun, working fast and loose.

Monday, October 27, 2008


"I'll Cry If I Want To" 7 x 5 gouache ink resist... (sold)

Some days are just better than others.... today was a day of frustration... my printer decided not to communicate with my least they aren't speaking the same language. So, I spent way too much time trying to fix the problem....and then ended up with 2 visits to Staples, they will be doing my note card printing....maybe a blessing in disguise(?)... I had a terrific young man helping me....and that was the highlight of the day! Picking them up today....and crossing my fingers that the color is what I expect....

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What a Circus....

"Circus" 24 x 24 Acrylic (sold)

This is one of 2 paintings that I delivered last week....They are hanging in a beautiful new office... that's what dictated the colors. It's a challenge to paint in colors that you don't necessarily gravitate toward. And it was fun! It's good to jump out of your routines before they become ruts....

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

More Warm-up Paintings....Mini size

For my Open Studio (November 7 and 8) I'm going to have quite a few of these small mail-able original paintings...Envelope and gift tag will be included in the package. :)

Today, I used this size as my warm-up paintings...though I was having so much fun...I never quit warming up! They are all sorts of subjects... I got a lot of them finished....and I have a lot of them in various stages of completion.

Stargazers 5.5 x 3.5 acrylic on paper... (sold)

Blossoms at Night 3.5 x 5.5 acrylic on paper

Monday, October 20, 2008

Painting Painting Painting some more....

I keep playing with the warm-up paintings...I used a china marker here...Just so you know...the varnish seemed to go over the china marker just fine!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Small paintings in progress....

I've adopted Bob Burridge's habit of doing small warm-up paintings each morning...
limiting color and or subject matter..... experimenting... playing... slapping paint around. They are all 5 x 7 size.... and by doing 6 each day (at least starting) I should have a slew of them before my open studio in November....
Can you guess which one will be called "bite me" when it's done? hehehehe

Thursday, October 16, 2008

New Series...New Painting

"Higher Ground" 24 x 20 ~ Acrylic (sold)
Detail images below.......

Finished this one yesterday....I'm trying to come up with a great title for the series....One thing I know is that they are going to be hopeful paintings....enough gloom and doom already, don't you agree?!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Working Working Working.....

"Float or Climb" 11 x 10 ~Acrylic and pencil (sold)
This is another one from the workshop....
I've been painting all day....Trying to finish 2 canvases for a delivery tomorrow morning...One is finished...the other one is almost there. The weather here was dull most of the day, so I didn't get any good progress photos of them....But I did get this beautiful fall color shot on my morning walk!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Still glowing in post workshop euphoria.....

"Oh Pear 1" 7 x 5 mixed media

One of the things Bob Burridge suggests in his workshop is to begin each day with small warm-up paintings...So that's what I've been doing. (at least since yesterday) :)
I limited my palette to greens and yellows (and white and black gesso) and did 6 quickly executed paintings....all pears.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Robert Burridge!

"Light as a Feather" by Robert Burridge

If you ever have the opportunity to take a workshop from Bob Burridge, DO IT!!! I have never learned so much in 5 days. His "Abstract Acrylic Painting and Collage" workshop, at Dillman's Resort was chock full of techniques, encouragement, inspiration and his wacky humor.

For me, the juice of this workshop was learning to develop a series of work that comes from your soul...A series that's broad enough to last you a while....but narrow enough in it's intent to unite all of the pieces. A big "ah-ha" realization.

Another "big" idea for me, was the small warm-up paintings he suggests you do before you tackle your larger, more complicated works in progress....Actually, now that I'm reflecting on it...there were a ton more "big" ideas that I got from Bob's class! At the very least....pop over to his website and subscribe to his "ArtsyFartsy" newsletter...You'll be glad you did.

Below are 2 paintings that I completed during the workshop....Yup....this is the beginnings of my new series....stay tuned to see and hear more about it!

"The Grass is Greener" 10 x 11 Acrylic (above) (sold)

"Star Climber" 10 x 11 Acrylic (below) (sold)

Quote of the Day:
"To play it safe is not to play." – Robert Altman

Friday, October 3, 2008

Computer woes and other news...

First the good news! "Bass Dreams" got an Honorable Mention at the Starkweather Gallery 12 x 12 show. Yea!!!! The show runs from October 3 through the 25th. If you are in Romeo Michigan, it's worth a look-see!

Now the bad news....My computer hard drive died yesterday...luckily I had backed up most of everything...but it still takes forever for me to figure out how to re-load everything!

But now more good news...I'm leaving Saturday for a Bob Burridge workshop at Dillman's Bay Resort in Wisconsin. My friend Sue Galos and I are heading north tomorrow morning...driving through Michigan's upper peninsula and arriving sometime Sunday. The workshop is Monday through Friday and should be just fantastic! So, I probably won't be posting until the week after next.

Looking forward to some beautiful fall color, and some inspiring workshop ideas!