
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Jumping Through Hoops

"Jumping Through Hoops"
12 x 12"
Acrylic on acrylic paper
(c) Lauren Everett Finn 2009

Kind of a fun one for me... Though I felt a bit constrained by the smallish size.
With all that's going on here (selling our house, spring yard clean up, going through things to prepare for a big yard sale this spring, smallish solo show in May, etc. etc.) I'm having trouble focusing! Especially the finishing steps for some of the paintings that are almost there.

Quote of the day:
"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up."
~Mark Twain

Monday, March 30, 2009

Coordinated Effort

"Coordinated Effort" ~Work in Progress
12 x 12"
Acrylic on Canvas
(c) Lauren Everett Finn 2009

I just stopped with this one... need to go make dinner.

It's almost finished but I want to look at it a bit before I sign it. There are a couple of awkward passages... It has a fun springy feeling though, and I'm kind of liking that....

Again, I'm not quite sure where or if this one fits in with the High Road series... Hmmmmmmmmm

Friday, March 27, 2009

Battling Resistance

"Battling Resistance" ~work in progress
12 x 12"
Acrylic on canvas

This is a pretty early stage of this one... Only a couple of layers of color so far. I love the patina that gets established with layers on layers of colors and adjustments. My note to myself while painting is: "Battling resistance and going through to the unknown."

I am hooked on Mighty Leaf Organic Spring Jasmine tea... It tastes like spring. :) The daffodils are poking up in the back, so it's starting to look like spring too.

Go Michigan State Spartans!!! Don't you just love March Madness????
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

It's Complicated...

"It's Complicated" ~Work in Progress
12 x 12"
Acrylic on canvas

This piece evolved from "Complications" I have a bit more to go in the cream colored layer... I want that completely flat color, all hard edged, and there are still spots you can see through. There is some "ladder" imagery, but not at all like the rest of the "Taking the High Road" series, so I'm not sure where this will fit. ... It's complicated. (hehehe)

We are going to the Lake Orion Hockey banquet tonight (My husband is one of the coaches)... Pasta, salad and CAKE! What's not to like!? :)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Large Stones First....

"Large Stones First" Work in Progress
12 x 12"
Acrylic on canvas

I'm working on a few of these circular compositions at the same time. As I was painting it reminded me of a lecture that I read about quite a few years ago... (here is a link to the lecture)

I used different techniques with this one... painting, then drying it partially (with a hairdryer), then taking it to the sink and scrubbing off the damp paint. Guarantee you'll end up with some surprises if you work this way! There are a few things to resolve, but I think it's moving in an interesting direction.

We have 2 showings of the house tonight... Thank goodness for kind friends that will take us in to chat for a couple of hours... By "us" I include our 100 lb. mutt, Ivan. These are really kind friends! LOL

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Nighttime Diversions....

"Nighttime Diversions" ~Work in Progress
12 x12"
Acrylic on Canvas

Laughing at what would come up in a search engine using this title... :>O
Changed the title from "Distractions and Diversions 3" (yawn)

Having a blast with this one... And have no idea where I'll end up... Stay tuned!

What I'm reading:
A favorite painter friend of mine, Sue Schultz, told me about a book she was reading and enjoying very much... "Inspiration Sandwich" by SARK A really fun, funky quick read. Thanks Sue! (Oxford Library had it)

Monday, March 23, 2009

At it again....

"Distracted and Diverted 3"~ Work in Progress
12 x 12
Acrylic on canvas

I feel a bit like Richard Dreyfuss in "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"
Just a bit obsessed with this division of space and the lines. (Though I haven't yet drawn this out in mashed potatoes.... perhaps tomorrow!) :)

This is my third go at it, and I'm really sort of pleased with the first two. Who knows what makes us do what we do?

Glorious sunny day here in Michigan... though a bit chilly. Heading out to do a bit of oak leaf raking in the flower beds.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Hello Shorty...

"Hey Shorty"
8 x 9"
Acrylic on paper

This reference photo was posted at in their copy-write free photo library. (thanks Jocelyn!) It made me laugh for some reason... the flowers all acquired personalities. I'm sure you can spot the shy...the domineering...the perky.... Well, maybe you can't but I can!

This was an acrylic class demo that I did today. (It wasn't quite finished in class, I spent another 10 minutes on it when I got home.)
We did a painting in black, gray and white, 3 values only, let that dry, then using a limited palette, just filled in the value pattern with an appropriate hue. I love this exercise, because if you have a pleasing value pattern with out color... you are almost there! All of the hard work is finished.

A giggly thing:
A friend of mine @ facebook told me about this link. You gotta try it...and refresh the screen a couple of times too. A guaranteed smile.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Details, Details, Details....

"Distractions and Diversions 2"
12 x 12"
Acrylic on canvas

Getting advice and critique from my painter friends is one of my favorite things about many of the online art forums. Adding the small touches of magenta to this one was the result of some discussion with my fellow artists. These tiny details sometimes make all the difference.

I think it's improved and more hopeful... What do you think?

That's what I LOVE about acrylic. The changes are simple... If you get an idea, just try it! You can easily wipe the color off if it doesn't work out like you thought it might.
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Friday, March 13, 2009

Distracted and Diverted once more...

"Distractions and Diversions 2"
12 x 12"
acrylic on canvas

This one feels finished I signed it.

It's supposed to be a gorgeous weekend here in Michigan, sunny and in the 50's. I'll probably work a bit in the yard which is not so gorgeous... yet. We got snow so early last fall that the final yard clean up never got done, so we are looking pretty shaggy and tired out there!

I'm listening to the audio book "eat pray love" by Elizabeth Gilbert. Really enjoying it, especially since she is doing the reading herself. I always love it when the authors read their own books.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Coming Up For Air....

"Coming Up For Air"
8 x 8"
Acrylic and copper ink on watercolor paper

Copper is hard to photograph... it moves from light to dark depending on your viewing angle. This is one of those that actually does look better in real life. :)

Quote of the Day:
"One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making exciting discoveries."
~ A. A. Milne

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Distractions and Diversions...revisited

"Distractions and Diversions 2" ~ work in progress
12 x 12"
Acrylic on canvas

A bit of a different take on a previous painting. I'm not exactly sure where I'm going with this. I guess I need to do some thinking before I go much further. :)

Gorgeous blustery skies here in Michigan today. One of those...sunny then cloudy then sunny then cloudy days. The strong winds are at least drying up all of the rain we've had!

Quote of the Day:
"Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: you don't give up."
~Anne Lamott

Monday, March 9, 2009

Safety Net

"Safety Net"
15 x 15"
Acrylic on Rough Watercolor Paper

I was excited to be approached by Flint Street Gallery (in downtown Lake Orion Michigan) to have a solo show in May. It's a quirky and totally FUN place. The gallery is inside the fabulous "Little Monsters" toy store. The kids can spend lots of time digging through their unique toy offerings, while their parents browse the gallery wall. The opening will be Friday, May 8th from 7 - 9 pm. I'm really looking forward to it...Hope to see you there!

Thursday, March 5, 2009


12 x 12
Acrylic on acrylic paper

Cha cha cha Changes.....
Our house is for sale...Something we were considering for about a year...but now... We are serious about it! Not entirely sure where we'll end up, which is a bit of a dizzying prospect... My vote is the Traverse City area...(One of our families favorite destinations) My hubby is thinking south east I think, maybe North Carolina area...I'm ok with that too.
I've been clearing out and tidying up... It really is a fantastic house, and I hope that whoever is lucky enough to live here... will enjoy it as much as we have! :)