
Monday, April 19, 2010

I would scare me.

At the end of Peterson Rd. in Sleeping Bear Dune National Lake Shore Park.

I've written often about my almost daily walks...When I'm up here in Honor, MI, I hardly ever see another person. Yesterday, as I was walking back to the house... a car passed me...and I suddenly became aware of what I looked like....

  • broken reading glasses (blue) with one lens out... perched on top of my not combed head
  • too small sunglasses on my face
  • paint covered too short black pants...snug in the WRONG places
  • one blue and one black sock (don't ask)
  • my shoes are actually pretty cool...but not cool enough to trump the odd socks.
  • paint covered bright golden yellow Iowa t-shirt
  • ipod in pants pocket
  • cell phone in pants pocket
  • kleenex in pants pocket
  • small camera in pants pocket
  • pen and small notebook in pants pocket
  • all that "in the pocket" activity did not make for a smooth silhouette
  • my husband's coat...(the coats I have up here are too heavy or too light)

"What not to Wear" would think it was a set-up. Understandably, I don't want to show a picture of this....And I probably won't change my work wardrobe any time too soon... but I've read that awareness is the first step toward change. :)

Unexpected Gifts....

Yesterday, I received a note from someone that I don't know. It was a gift. She wanted me to know that she liked my work, my website and my attitude. Wow. Everybody should receive a note like this...unexpected and so kind.

I have been known to do this sort of thing too...but not often enough. So, I'm vowing to send an unexpected card or email once a week...

Spread the love baby.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Walking to Lake Michigan....

Since I'm back in Honor, MI... I'm back at my almost daily walks to Lake Michigan. It's a 2.5 mile hike from the house to the lake... It's my favorite thing about being here. Good thoughts come from long walks.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Watercolor Warm-ups...

"Pink Tulips 3" (how original....sigh)
7 x 5
Watercolor and pencil on paper

I learned to do these small warm-up paintings at a Robert Burridge workshop. It's such a smart idea.... I have at least 3 going at once (usually more) so when the one I'm working on is wet and needs to dry...there is a dry one in the ready position... You can try out ideas that you wouldn't necessarily try on a larger sheet... a no risk method, that's very freeing.

On a completely different subject...

"Go right through for MSU, watch the points keep grow-ing....
Spartan teams are bound to win they're fighting with a vim!
Rah Rah Rah!"

Go Michigan State and Tom Izzo....
I can hardly wait to watch the game!