
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Everchanging view....

I don't tire of the sky's around here.... this was taken a couple of days ago.... but would-ja look at that!  So beautiful I felt the need to share.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Oak Leaf Support... who woulda thunk

Someone sent me a link to some incredible leaf art a few weeks ago... they had intricately carved images out of the leaves.... That got me thinking about leaves as here is my first experiment. The trick is to treat the leaves with glycerin, so they stay supple. I'm thinking I'll need to coat the back of the leaf with some sort of acrylic medium, so it won't crumble... I love experimenting. :)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Back to the High Road...

a "hot" start... who knows where this will end up. 12 x 12 paper.

A start in 3 values... the bones are comes the fun.

I'm getting back to the "high road" series... Here are 2 works in progress... Feels good to be back at the non-representational work. It's a lot harder... but more rewarding.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

finding the sunset setting on my camera...

I posted this photo on my facebook page, but thought the blog deserved it too. Just one of those "right place at the right time" sorts of pics...the "sunset" setting on my little cannon is magical. Really really looked just like that.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

New floral class @ Michael's in Traverse City...

Had fun painting this today in class... The best thing about this lesson is that once you get the idea... you can do it over and over, in different colors. A bouquet for every room! :)