
Friday, April 29, 2011

Royally Hopeful and Happy.... I needed that.

I didn't think I was interested in watching the wedding...but then someone on Face-book mentioned "the hats" and I had to have my coffee with the Royals. It was a delightful way to break the day. I was struck by what a hopeful event it was... Beautiful and happy... I really needed that. Thanks Britain...much appreciated.

And on another hopeful and happy note...lookie here!  The Riverside is getting ready for all the canoe and kayak river riders! I do believe this is a sure sign of spring....Yee Haw!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

When you think you're finished...but you're not.

decided it was not done (signature was put on with Photo-shop)
I thought I was finished with this one last week....But this morning, I saw that the right side needed something for balance. After I painted on the circle...then I got out the paint pens... and I have a hard time quitting once the paint pens are a few more somethings were added. I think it's better now....And it's in the truly finished pile waiting to be varnished.

I'm superstitious about signing my work. If there is any doubt as to whether a painting is finished, I hold off. I want my signature to be the very last thing added. This baby is actually signed now. :)

"Doubles" ~ Acrylic on Yupo ~ 6.5x6.5 inches

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sight for my color starved eyes....

Crystal Gardens, Frankfort MI
Bopped around the garden center yesterday.... in 2 layers of coats and hat and gloves. I was rewarded with this trailer full of spring time glories.... My eyes did the cartoon "BO-ING" thing. They just didn't know what to make of all that glorious color. AND... after I purchased a couple of things...they gave me a free Easter Lily.... How about that...  Thanks Crystal Gardens!  Happy Easter to you too!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Tree in progress

Tree Embrace -  Work in Progress -  15x15 -  Acrylic on Paper 
I have a thing for trees.... always have. They are sort of like dogs...happy to see me...they wag their limbs at me on breezy days...very comforting. This is the first in a new series about my wooden buddies.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Empire Dunes work in progress

work in progress
I found a very cool little beach area (Village Park) in Empire, MI... They were getting the sand all swept off the parking lots etc. getting ready for the season. This is South Bar Lake...Lake Michigan is behind us. Love the grassy hillocks, and the pure spring sunshine. I'm almost finished here... I'll just let it rest a bit to see if I need to add any more grassy bits.... It's hard to stop once I get started with those grassy bits.

Friday, April 1, 2011

ice amoebas...

I'm calling these "ice amoebas"
I have no idea what made them form...other than freezing and thawing. They look like line drawings of land masses to me. After the warm day yesterday...(40's whoohoo) they have disappeared. 

oh... and if you're interested... here's a link to yesterday's newsletter that includes a video about "expressive drawing."