
Thursday, November 6, 2014

cardinals... bright red?.... or not.

waiting for "red fox color" ink 
Had an interesting discussion over at my Facebook Page, when I claimed that the red cardinals would be too much after the fox was printed in his correct red fox color. I had quite a few "But I love the red cardinals" comments...

This was my response....

"I'll have to wait to see. When I start a project, whether it's paint or print or collage... I try to decide my "intent" before I start. That way I have a focus... This print is about the fox. I have to be careful not to fall in love with any parts that end up good, but don't support my "why"...My concern is that the cardinals would call attention away from the star of this particular show. I won't know for sure until I see it with the right fox color... You two have made me decide on my next linoleum project though... and it will be about Cardinals! I love them too!!! Thanks so much for your input... Seriously, I appreciate it!... because sometimes I get too much in my own head, and lose perspective."

Since I posted that comment... I've decided to do a few prints with a Grey Fox and the bright red cardinals...

Because I can. 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

the one that got away

"Stellar" photo of a fox just outside the studio window on left....and the preliminary sketches on the right.
I was so excited to see this visitor outside the studio window... Just grabbed my phone, snapped this shot (whaaaaah) and now I'm trying to make a linoleum print of him... or her. How can I fail with such terrific reference shots?

There have been two foxes hanging around lately... hopefully I'll get another chance.

first try

Here is my first go at the linoleum block. It looks more like my dog Major than a fox. :)
Working on rendition number two now.

Friday, August 29, 2014

pinch me

 Yes....Pinch me. That's my painting on Toni Clark's new book, just released.... So excited for her, and for me. :-)
Barnes and Noble:

Monday, August 25, 2014

whirling dervish

3 at a time.... 
Paint has been flying... and I've been prepping for a couple of classes this week. More Acrylic Fun... (oh yes... way more fun) and Mono printing with the Gelli Plate. Both will be in Leland at the Old Art Building.

This new work is having a mind of it's own.... sort of. The one on the wall is the most complete...Working title is "Wind Dance"... it's been giving me fits actually.... stating then obscuring... there is a lot of action on that canvas.

Monday, August 11, 2014

black eyes with stripes

"Black Eyes With Stripes" 12x12 Acrylic and Oil Pastel on Acrylic Paper
And here is the second of the two paintings I painted live at Oliver Art Center's 'fun-raiser' last Friday evening. It was a terrific night. Lots of fun was had by all the Art Center Friends....And though it was a bit intimidating... I lived to tell about it. :-)

Saturday, August 9, 2014

fun raiser

"Fun Raiser" 12x12 acrylic on acrylic paper
Last night was Oliver Art Center's Fun-Raiser. I painted live and donated the painting to the silent auction. I tend to say YES before I realize what I've gotten myself into. Let's just say it's a bit intimidating to be painting in front of a large group...and let's just add on the auction sheet sitting next to you... luckily I didn't have to wait too too long before there was some bidding. Aaaack! I worked on two paintings at a time, and the winner get's to pick their favorite after there are a couple of finishing touches, varnished and framed. This one is the first one dry....I'll post the other one tomorrow, and let you know which one they picked.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

circus act

"Circus Act" 12x12 acrylic and oil bar on canvas panel
Repeating a subject pushes you into different places. I'll do anything to escape boredom.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

wip (work in progress)

Can you tell that I'm way more excited about the one on the left?  Need an "about face" on the one on the right. Drastic measures are in order to keep me interested. :-)

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

here kitty kitty

"Here Kitty Kitty"  12x12  Acrylic and oil bar on Canvas Panel
I don't have a cat. I have never had a cat. But I do really like cats. How long do you think this bouquet will tempt him before he needs to swat it?
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Woke up this morning and decided that the kitty paws could use a bit of a shadow...and added a couple of dotty stuff on the far left to repeat the white dotty stuff... Hardly EVER go back once it's signed, but couldn't leave it be.

Friday, August 1, 2014

joyful noise

"Joyful Noise" 12 x 12 Acrylic on Acrylic paper
Lots of troubling news lately..... That's when I love to go to the studio and immerse myself in glorious color.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

bouquet on dots

Bouquet on Dots ~12x12~ acrylic on canvas panel
I'll be painting bouquets for the next week. Practicing for a live painting event at the Oliver Art Center in Frankfort, MI next Friday night. I used a limited palette.... Quinacridone Crimson, Quinacridone Nickel Azo Gold, Thalo Turquoise and white. (Mary Todd Beam's favorite palette)
I like painting these...Does it show? :-)

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

farmer's market

Farmer's Market Bouquet ~ 12 x 12 ~ mixed media
We had some friends come and visit us over the weekend... and one of the things we enjoyed was the Frankfort (MI) farmer's market on Saturday. Our friends bought us this charming bouquet from one of the stalls. It was hard to pick out one... they were all just so fresh and beautiful. I thoroughly love fresh flowers...and a mixed summery bouquet is my favorite.

This painting started out on a bright orange background... and finished up with some oil pastel marks.

I'm trying to get in a painting session each day over the next few weeks... I'm going to be painting LIVE at a fundraiser on August 8th. Need to work the kinks out. (yikes)

Friday, July 4, 2014

Just making things up

"July 4"  12x12 Acrylic on Canvas panel
Ok.... now I'm just making things up. :-) One of the pleasures of being a painter. See the cool and interesting trail I've created? Like how I've made it pretty easy to get past those hills? You're welcome.

(It's also a study in greens and aerial perspective).

Saturday, June 7, 2014

orchard dawn

Orchard Dawn ~ 12x12 ~ Acrylic
It's been a while.... I just jumped in yesterday. That's how I have to go about it when it's been a while...

It's easiest to leap if I start on top of a painting that didn't work out...and that explains the strange textures here and there.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Janice... 4x4 acrylic, fabric and stitching
Another Every Day Angel.

Monday, April 28, 2014


Vince ~ 4x4 acrylic, fabric and stitching
I think I'm keeping this one...He will be my guardian muse angel....for the studio. :)

Sunday, April 27, 2014


"Precious" ~ 4x4 Acrylic, fabric, stitching
Any "No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency" fans out there? While she doesn't really resemble Mma Precious Ramotswe... she reminds me of her. Here's more about the series if you're interested...
I'm still having fun with these teeny tiny made up portraits... I'll have to do some manly angels soon, I think.

Saturday, April 26, 2014


Hannah ~ 4x4 acrylic, collage, stitching
She seems so sweet to me.... and not just because of her halo.

Friday, April 25, 2014


Norah....see the shiny bits?

Norah ~ Acrylic, fabric, stitching
I slopped some hair color onto the pristine white paper background... so I decided to try colored backgrounds to cover up my mess. I like it! I stitched the wings and then painted some iridescent medium on them.
It's interesting to me that they seem to develop personalities as I refine their features.

Thursday, April 24, 2014


"Sara" 4x4 acrylic, fabric, stitching
Having fun with these....Trying to figure out how to frame them to their best advantage.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

they walk among us

4x4 inches... acrylic, fabric, stitching on watercolor paper
In my daily travels, I come across lots of Every Day Angels... trying to celebrate them.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

the gang's all here

Lots of little collages all lined up and ready to go
I have framers fingers... lots of picture wire was tied and cut today. These wee beauties will be available at Synchronicity Gallery in Glen Arbor, MI.....other than the two that have sold since I posted this picture on Facebook. (Thanks!)

Saturday, April 5, 2014

caution tape

Caution Tape
6x6 Acrylic Collage with stitching
I stole this title. From our youngest son's new song... of the same title. The song is not yet mastered or mixed... if it was I would definitely share.

Friday, April 4, 2014

paper quilting

Paper Quilt 6
6x6 Acrylic collage and stitching
Slightly new direction..... Still playing with the paper printed with the Gelli Plate!

Thursday, April 3, 2014


6x6 Acrylic Collage with stitching

I think I'm out of that gorgeous turquoise paper... Time to use the Gelli Plate again... So much fun.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


6x6 Acrylic Collage and stitching
Still at it..... Cutting. Pasting. Sewing. Mini bits of fun.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

a good egg

A Good Egg
6x6 Acrylic Collage with Stitching
Slipping into a more vibrant palette.... A bit circus-y?

Monday, March 31, 2014


6x6 Acrylic, Collage, Stitching,
Still using the reams of paper I made using the Gelli Plate. I'm enjoying this process...It's a nice combination of painting, collage and quilting-ish. Some of these will be available at Synchronicity Gallery in Glen Arbor, MI this season.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

true confessions

Lake View 2
12x12 collage
this is where it is at the moment.....trying to salvage.
I'm not sure if I'm done or not...I'm mad at myself.

Where it was yesterday....
after I had the bright idea mid painting, to turn it into a landscape.

One of my constant struggles in painting is having an idea or concept, and sticking with it. The smart thing to do when these "other" ideas come up is to write them down and try them on the next painting. Stay the course. But if I'm the least bit distracted.... I veer off course into another idea. 

The trouble with this, for me anyway, is 
1. I never complete the original idea...which is sometimes a good one.
2. Because the base of the second idea is on top of a different's not a good solid place to start.

I've been lazy. 
The best way to stop this flighty behavior is to actually write the concept down on tape or a post it...and have it right near my palette. 
To remember the WHY I'm painting this in the first place. 
Where's that sticky note pad?

Saturday, March 29, 2014

construction site

Construction Site
6x6 Acrylic Collage
I love the smell of sawdust...I'd wear it as a perfume.

Friday, March 28, 2014


6x6 Acrylic collage
Wish it was as easy to achieve in life as it is in collage...... I'm balance challenged.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

northern lights

'Northern Lights'
6x6 Acrylic Collage with stitching
Still playing cut and paste and sew with the Gelli Plate papers that I made....You'll be seeing these for a while... I made LOTS of paper. :-)

Monday, March 24, 2014


6x6 Acrylic Collage with stitching
Still snipping, gluing, stitching... I could stay in the studio for a really long time doing these.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

mini collage...with stitching

"No Plan At All"
Acrylic collage with stitching

"Sky At Night"
Acrylic Collage with stitching
I've been in the studio... almost exclusively. I occasionally emerge...blinking.

I've been making papers using the "Gelli Plate". It's a bouncy rubbery gelatin-like substance that allows you to make mono prints with-out a press. I'm addicted! Now I'm trying to use all these amazing  papers I've made. 

Friday, February 28, 2014

Fun with the Gelli Plate

Using "Gelli Plate" You don't need a printing press. Fun Fun Fun!
I'll be teaching a new class in Leland, MI this August 26th, 2014. Mono Prints using the Gelli Plate. So I've been playing and experimenting. These would make fabulous backgrounds for paintings. Some of them feel like close to finished works as they are. Can you hear me OOOOhing and AAAAhing?

Monday, January 6, 2014

pushing and abstracting

Turns out... I can go pretty far with abstraction... I could go a little bit further to a Rothko-esque place, but I won't. (These are all things I'll be teaching in a new class this summer.)

Sunday, January 5, 2014

making your summer plans?

Jumping into the New Year with some fun class offerings for 2014.  I'll be teaching "Getting From Here to There ~ Abstracting your subject"  at the Oliver Art Center in Frankfort, MI. (July 15...full day).. As I look at this example though... I'm thinking I'll abstract it even more... going for a progression of more and more abstraction... How far can I go?!? Stay tuned. :-)