
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

In one word.....Balance

Beautiful lake effect snow this morning..... :)

I've chosen my word for 2009...

I've always tended toward being a feast or famine sort of girl. And I admit it... I do sort of like the thrill and gluttony of the "feast."
  • the rush of adrenaline that comes with closing deadlines that I'm not ready for.
  • the wonderful excuse procrastination gives me. (to let the house not have healthy food in the fridge...etc.)
  • the pinpoint concentration on the eminent task that's due.
  • forsaking all other aspects of life. (I do find time to go to the bathroom, and occasionally brush my teeth)
Somehow, I convinced myself that this is the way that I work best. That I'm my most creative self when backed up against a wall.

But with age....occasionally comes wisdom.

Over the last couple of years, I've made progress with changing this self defeating method of operation. I'm finding that I'm still happily creative when I'm not so frazzled and rushed...
But, I'm far from mastery...

So, "Balance" with a capital "B"... will be my theme for 2009.

Have you decided to chose a one word theme for the New Year?

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