
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sisters... Sisters... :)

"Sisters....Sisters" Mixed media ~ 8 x 8 ~ on paper

Ali and KT both want the same toy, but neither seem all that interested in a struggle for it. My aunt sent me the photo that I used for this painting... It made me laugh...their noses are squished together...

I like the pose so much that I'll probably do it a few times with different backgrounds. I started with all watercolor...then added sepia ink....then added acrylic around the dogs. I love the negative shape at the bottom of the paper....

It takes me a while to get in a painting "zone" after an absence...One thing I've learned though... Just paint...Just plod along and paint. It's awkward, and full of stops and starts...but after a few days I should be back in the swing of things.


  1. I like this one, you can almost hear their low growls, when they are just "play-fighting". Cute to see them nose to nose!

    Wonder if the dog on the left should have just a bit of his/her left front leg showing, even if it isn't in the reference photo....either way it's great, especially for dog lovers.

  2. Hi Debra!

    I contemplated just that...and decided not to, in this one... Maybe a bad decision on my part. Or laziness. :) Actually, there is a lot I don't like about this particular painting... I'll change the "thing" in the mouths too. i was thinking cheezeburger. :)
    What i do like is the shape the dogs make together...

    That's one good thing about doing something over and over on a small scale... You can work out all these glitches.

    I'm feeling rusty with my painting.. and it's only been a short time away!

    Thanks for commenting!

  3. Lauren,

    Thanks for being so gracious about my comment....after I wrote it, I felt terrible,I thought, Good Grief, Lauren is 100 times better than I am now, or may ever be....!!

    Yeah, I wasn't sure about the toy they were fighting over, but have definitely captured that moment between the 2 dogs!

    (everything else is just nitpicking!)

    I really enjoy the diversity of your work.

  4. Debra...
    LOL... I have very thick skin...AND, i happen to agree with you. :)
    I am considering a blog post about posting your "dogs"....why I think it's good... (though i know most would disagree with me)
