
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Be the spark when it's dark...

"Structures #14" by Lisa Call (c) 2003
35 x 29"
(with permission)

"In both relationships and life, trust begets trust.
Generosity begets generosity.
Love begets love.
Be the spark, especially when it's dark.
hubba hubba-"

This message was in my inbox this morning. What a great way to start the day... Pretty deep but then they lighten up the mood with the "hubba hubba". Cracked me up. If you want these sorts of messages in your inbox you can sign up at

Lisa Call, a fabulous textile artist mentioned the site on Twitter...that's where I heard about it. Lisa also gave me permission to share one of her gorgeous "textile paintings". A term that she uses to correctly describe her wonderful works. Thanks Lisa!


  1. Hi Lauren -

    Hope you are well. Your friend Meg Schubert gave me your web site because she mentioned you were starting a site to sell artists products made in the mitten. I just found your blog and plan to spend more time looking through it but it is nice to find another artist in this area. I moved here from NYc two years ago. I would love to tell you more to see if we connect and to hear if you are looking for items by other artists for your other site.


  2. hi Lauren
    you are the Featured Artist this week at Top Artists Directory..
    cheers Kim
    wonderful composition and colour harmonies in Lisa's Painting :)

  3. Hi Rita!
    Thanks so much for writing...Yes, I'm starting a business with my sister and another friend called "Made in the Mittens" celebrating and promoting Michigan artists. Our vision is a one stop online shop for artworks made in Michigan..(we would love to eventually have at least one artisan from each county represented) ...then a percentage of all sales will benefit a different Michigan non-profit or charity each quarter. I'm really excited to get it going!

    Well, what a loverly suprise! :)
    I'm honored and delighted!


  4. Lisa's work is familiar to me and she is wonderful. Love your work also and am so glad to find you through TAD.

  5. Hi Judith!
    Thanks so much.... Appreciate you stopping by!
