
Saturday, February 14, 2009

Unrequited Love...the challenge.

"But What About Us?"
12 x 12"
Acrylic on acrylic paper

I was invited to join a new Artist's Challenge site a couple of weeks ago. The theme was "Unrequited Love." My painting, "But What About Us?" was what I came up with. It's harder than you would think, illustrating an idea. You should pop over to the Challenge site...There is an incredible gallery... but be's not really for kids, there are some adult paintings displayed.

"But What About Us?" will be placed into my new Etsy store sometime today...

Hope you have a happy happy valentines day.... share the love baby! :)


  1. wonderful painting Lauren
    thanks for your submission :)
    your blog is now listed in the Top Artists Directory....
    you will find a selection of codes for badges there too :)
    enjoy your week :)
    cheers Kim

    ps that monkey with the bunny is simply adorable!!!!

  2. Hi Debra!
    Thanks! It takes me forever to list things... I hope I get quicker at it!

    Kim...thanks so much! Appreciate being listed... Are you all moved and settled? :)
    That monkey and bunny sit on a shelf in my kitchen... they make me smile every time I look at them. Glad they make you smile too.
