
Friday, April 24, 2009

Framey Framey Framing....

Framed Paintings for my show next month....
Taking the High Road series

I am almost finished with my framing for my show at Flint St. Gallery. It really is fun to see the new ones all framed up and relaxing on the carpet together... :) They are a spirited bunch.

My mom's health update: She is supposedly going to be able to get home this afternoon. :) I know she'll feel much better out of that nice as they are there. She'll be getting her chemotherapy as an out patient for the most part. We won't know her prognosis until the blood test results come back from Mayo Clinic some time next week. Thanks for all the good wishes and prayers... Much appreciated...


  1. Lauren, your paintings look really happy and bright. Good for you having a show. I wish you much good fortune and maybe a few sales. But enjoy it.

    Sorry to hear about your mom's illness must have missed that. I'm sure she will feel much better at home on an out patient basis.

  2. Your paintings look great in their frames! Your show should be quite the feast for the eyes and brain.

    I hope your Mom is doing better. Nice to be able to go to the Mayo Clinic.

  3. Thanks Judy... My mom's illness came on very quickly... we just found out last weekend. Still in shock actually. :(

    Thanks Peggy.... It is fun seeing them all finished and grouped together rather than stacked and propped all over the studio. :)

  4. they look great! do you hang the show yourself or does the gallery do that?

    It's good that your mom will be at home - it's going to be Bill's turn to act nurse!

  5. What a colorful, thought provoking, and cohesive body of work, Lauren. How many will be on exhibit?

    Great news that your mother can go home. There's nothing better than breathing in the fresh, outdoor air after being cooped up in a hospital. Good to know that Mayo is involved.

  6. Sue... They hang the show... I figure I'll give them some ideas they can use or discard... I'm going back up north tomorrow to act as co-nurse and comic relief, chief cook and bottle washer. :)
    She wanted you to know that half the latest Food and Drink was dog eared and drooled on! :)

    Patrice... I think around 20... but most are small (6 x 6 matted and framed) Final number is up to them I guess...
    Yes, she is happy to be home. thank-you.

  7. Good to hear that your mom will be home again. It is always a relief to get out of the hospital, even when they are super nice.

    Your paintings look great grouped together! Hope they jump off the walls in sales for you. (they look like they will!)

  8. Thanks Debra... Yes, she's happy to be home... Lord i hate hospital smell....
