
Saturday, June 27, 2009

Can't Get Enough Peonies....

"Jonnine's Peonies 2"
11 x 11

A more traditional view of the peonies.... One of the things I love about these light pink peonies is the contrast between the dark, harsh foliage color and the delicate soft pink of the blooms. Yum.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Watercolor...It's Been A Long Time....

"Jonnine's Peonies"
11 x 11

Well....Talk about rusty with the watercolor skills! It still felt good (though frustrating) to have my brushes wet. I'm up in Northern Michigan, helping out my Mom after a stroke.... away from my studio and supplies. I brought watercolor stuff, so that's what I'll be working with until my next trip home. I am not a fan of all the hard edges in this one... but I'm giving myself a break and calling it done... It has a bit of a wallpaper vibe going on that I don't hate.

Part of my morning ritual since I've been up here, has been to take the dog and a large mug of coffee and get the paper for my mom and two of her neighbors. They all have long driveways to the paper box, so it's a nice 10 minute morning walk. Yesterday, one of the neighbors left me a bunch of peonies on their porch... That unexpected surprise really made my day, and filled the room with delicious Peony scent. They were sitting still, so they got painted. :)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

morning walk....

This is the spot where I turn around to go back to my mom's house. It makes it about a 30 to 40 minute walk... depending upon what I see to waylay me. I walk in the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore Park... This road will eventually lead you to Lake Michigan, but that's more of a bike ride than a morning's a bit far. It's gonna be hot and humid here today. High of 90. I love air conditioning. I'm going to paint today....and will have something to post tomorrow. Yippee Skippee!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Smiles....take 'em where you get 'em....

I am amazed that I have been on this roller coaster for two and a half months. Time fly's when you are being a caregiver to your mom after a stroke. So when I popped the top of a soft Philly cream cheese tub...and this adorable smiley face was revealed.... I cracked up. I kid you not... this is exactly how it was... no scrapping or adjusting of the soft cream cheese. :) Who could not smile back?

My mom is progressing really well... but it's a very long road. We are celebrating the little victories, and enjoying her being able to be at home. One day at a time.