
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

This Way Is Up......

"This Way Is Up"
15 x 15 inches
Acrylic on Watercolor paper (300#)
$400 unframed

Detail images below....

Again with the wonky ladder and 2 support imagery.... I can't seem to stop. :)

And on a completely unrelated note.....

I had written to Polly Hammett, (she has a great video from CCP called "Design with the Figure") asking her where she purchased the moldable foam stamps. I was delighted to get a very kind response from her today.

This material is a sort of foam product that when heated becomes soft. You can then press any number of things (fern, mesh, lace, leaves, your face...well, not really sure about that last one) ...then the foam cools and wha-la! A nifty stamp to add texture to any painting that needs "a little something there." Polly demonstrates this technique brilliantly in her video.

Polly said in her email:
"I heat mine on a hot coffee pot burner untill it gives just a little, then quickly push it on a raised surface....Lace, leaves ect.
It is like making magic!"

I'm going to get some of this foam so I can make some magic too!


  1. Cool you can't stop! I like the uplifting feeling of this design. The stamp foam looks intriguing.

  2. Lauren, you've got such a wonderful touch with these. I love the palette as well!

  3. Peggy... yes, doesn't that foam look like so much fun? Can't wait for mine to arrive.

    Kate... thanks... I'll be working with the ladders for a while yet I think. :)
