
Sunday, January 3, 2010

A Funny Thing Happened on the way to the Funeral Home....

"It's a Spring Thing"

Many of you know
that I've been away from home since last April, helping out my mom and her husband of two years. She was diagnosed with Acute Mylogenous Leukemia, and then a week later, she suffered a major stroke....paralyzing her right side.

Adding into that mix, my husband had lost his job in March...we decided to put our house up for sale (real estate in the Detroit area...hahahaha)

My mom's husband suffered a mild stroke in the summer...

I had to put my 13 year old fuzzy companion, Ivan... to sleep in November....

The chemo quit working
for my mom in November, she declined and passed away on the 31st of December...

Good riddance 2009......

So.... my sister and I are driving to the funeral home, and my cell phone rings. It was the gentleman that had purchased one of my two paintings in the "Think Small 09" show at Lawrence Street Gallery. He had decided that he wanted the other painting in the show too.

I've decided that this is a sure sign that things will be looking up for me and mine!

I'm looking forward to an art and fun filled 2010!


  1. Missed you at the opening, Lauren, but knew you weren't going to be there. You have been in my thoughts so much this last year - you've been asked to shoulder quite a bit. Here's to the past and so many memories - and the future, and the memories it will bring as well. Hugs to you -

  2. Lauren..Oh my you really have been going through it. I read about your mum, but didn't realised she passed away, So sorry to be reading this. I can understand why you were glad to see the back of 2009...

    Wonderful news about your painting, and here's to a great 2010 for you and the family....

  3. Hi Lauren, You're way over due some good news! Good luck with the gallery!

  4. OOps, I goofed; Congrats on the sale! And, I hope you have a good year Lauren!

  5. Thanks Kim... I'm just looking forward to slapping some paint around... Your studio re-do looks fantastic!

    Stephie...thanks so much. Happy 2010 to you too! :)

  6. Lauren
    I can't tell you how sad your past year has made me. You have born up well under these tests of fortitude...AND made art along the way. Hurrah for met many challenges and you passed all the tests! Here's to 2010!!

  7. 2009 in your rearview mirror.
    Isn't that good! My condolances for the loss of your Mother.
    I love your work,,,especially the 3 'you might also likes' pictured below the post.

    ~Babs(Wilsonart) from Wetcanvas

  8. Oh Lauren...I didn't know about Ivan!

    2010 has just GOT to be better!!
    Congrats on the sale.
    Many virtual hugs being sent your way!
