
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bathed in Books...

New books to peruse on a cold rainy day....

It's been a while since I've ordered from Amazon. I had quite a few titles in my cart, collected over the last few months. I decided last week, that I was in need of some inspiration, and for me, books are a great source. I'm a book fiend... especially and art book fiend.
So, yesterday the UPS man...(I LOVE him) delivered these beauties. Each one is a delight.

And then the gods delivered this cold, rainy day. Perfect for sitting with a cup of tea and a pile of new art books. mmmmmmmmm Sigh. Ain't life grand?

Here are the titles and authors....
Inside the Painter's Studio; by Joe Fig (I love that name)
Drawing for Mixed Media Artists; by Carla Sonheim (fun!)
Carlson's Guide to Landscape Painting; by John F. Carlson
Landscape Painting; by Mitchell Albala (droolingly beautiful book)


  1. Hi Lauren, There are so many fun, interesting art books. I haven't heard of any of these. It will be interesting to see what you think of these books. How'd the reading go?

  2. Hey Peggy!
    I've gotten through "Drawing for Mixed Media Artists"... really fun, jump in and try it sort of ideas...
    "Inside the Painter's Studio" is an interesting's not only about the actual studios... but also the various artist's processes.
    "Landscape Painting" is gorgeous... I've been through it once..and had a few "ah-ha's"... Think it's one that i'll go back to often.
    "Carlson's Guide" Hasn't been gone through yet... mostly because there aren't any pictures. LOL It was recommended by someone, but I can't remember whom... I'm sure it's full of good advice, but in text form. I'll have to wait for a day that I'm in uber focused-sponge mode to get through it.LOL
