
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Think Small 09.....

Two of my paintings were accepted into Lawrence Street Gallery's "Think Small 09" juried show. All works measure under 12 inches in any direction.

A really manageable size to gift wrap! (hint hint) :)

The opening is tomorrow evening, and I won't be able to be there, unfortunately... I'm still up north helping out my mom. If you can, you should check it out... there are always some surprising and exquisitely lovely small works....

"Earn Your Stripes"
6 x 6 (11 x 10 framed)
acrylic gesso and colored pencil on yupo paper

"Partners In Climb"
6 x 6 (11 x 10 framed)
Acrylic gesso and colored pencil on yupo paper
(this photo makes me laugh... my two big thumb prints on the outside edges of the image are matted out of the framed painting... LOL... gotta get another photo of this one! How professional I am....geesh!)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Michigan Holly...

"Michigan Holly"
8 x 8
oil pastel and watercolor on paper

Michigan landscape in November has mostly neutral tones...umbers, dark green pine ...sienna oak leaves... Then there is flash of brilliant red orange berries and bright green moss. An oasis for color starved eyes! This is another small one inspired by my daily walks in the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lake Shore park.

I'll be taking a break from the park walks since deer hunting season has begun with a literal "bang" this morning and will continue for 2 weeks. And no more wearing my reindeer hat for a while! :)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thoughts on Walks

"Thoughts on Walks"
watercolor and colored pencil on paper
8 x 8 inches

Those of you that know me... know that I've been helping out my mom as she deals with acute myelogenous leukemia, and the stroke she suffered because of it. I've been here in Honor, Michigan for just over 8 months (with a few quick trips home). I really feel lucky to be in the position to be able to do this for her. It is a gift to be able to help out where it's needed and appreciated.

Though, obviously there are some challenging parts to helping out a sick parent. One thing that's kept me somewhat sane and calm are my walks in the "Sleeping Bear Dune National Lake Shore" park. I can walk from the house straight down a dirt road that leads to Lake Michigan.... On some days I won't see another soul for the hour and a half it takes me. Imagine that! The most beautiful forest that leads to the dunes and then the lake in all it's magnificence enjoyed in complete solitude (other than the wildlife...and occasionally Ranger Jim). I listen to my Ipod... and have a notebook and pen for the wonderful insights that seem to pop into my head during these long walks. I really feel quite lucky.

The watercolor was painted from memory...and then the word stream that seems to ramble out of my head, was added with colored pencil. I can't even really read it, since I chose a pencil close in value and tone to the painting.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Paperwork Monster....

Bag O Work....

Cracked me up when I saw the face that greeted me on my desk this morning... I'll get to it tomorrow... Today is my day off.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

"Lights, Camera, Action!" Completed....

"Lights, Camera, Action!"
12 x 12
Acrylic on canvas

After a nights sleep... I woke up with a bit of a plan. I subdued some of the areas with white. and added a few dashes of pink to brighten up it's outlook. Calling this one finished.

I'm enjoying my birthday today... I love cake. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. oinky oink.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Lights Camera Action...Work in Progress

Lights Camera Action (Work in Progress... gonna sleep on it)
12 x 12
Acrylic on canvas

Felt oh so good to be slapping paint around today... Got out a canvas with some paint already on it and just started painting. I was working on 7 paintings at once... my favorite way to work! This one needs some areas simplified... but I need to think on it a little bit.

Enjoyed the most glorious sunny fall day today... Heading out for a walk right now, to enjoy the last little bit of it.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Aspire...and your art can too match your sofa...

"Aspire" work in progress...
24 x 24
acrylic and pencil on canvas

About this painting: The gold sections are Daniel Smith's gold gesso (which is addicting to use...but really hard to use 'well' I think) and will eventually be covered in gold leaf... we'll see how that goes...LOL

"Real Art Doesn't Match the Sofa"
I don't know where this phrase came from... probably from a frustrated artist.... I can almost hear the conversation as they are looking at the completed and commissioned floral painting...

patron (holding her couch arm sleeve thingie): "shouldn't that rose be a more lipsticky mauve rather than the purpley mauve you've painted?
: "If i change the color then that rose will not fit in with the rest of the painting."
patron: "Well, see here in the really is a more lipsticky mauve."
artist:"But that color wouldn't look right against the greens that you provided with the paint chips."
patron:"I really thought that the rose would match this lipsticky mauve color in my sofa..."
artist:"Real art does't match the sofa."

Yup... I can imagine where the phrase came from... But, I think it puts up a barrier....
It makes the average person feel intimidated... It's as if artwork coordinating with furnishings is soooo not cool...
And I completely disagree....

Furnishing a home is an art... A room is a composition.... I would not place a piece of art in a spot that didn't look good.... If the pattern on my sofa looked awful with a fabulous painting above it... I would move the painting, or the sofa.

I know I'm being literal with this saying... and that's probably not what the author meant...
But we shouldn't be flippant and roll our eyes at someones "unsophisticated" tastes... It's never good to make someone feel dumb...

As artists need to try to educate and lead... (Especially here in the US... where art education is so sadly pushed to the bottom of our schools' curriculum.) We need to try to entice our friends and family into our artistic circles... to show them what we see and feel, with approachable language and an open and welcoming attitude.

"Real Art is for Everyone"

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Website Work Woes and other stories...

"Thought Process"
11 x 10
Acrylic on Paper
not for sale at this time

For the last 10 days I have been working on revamping my website. Hours and hours were spent on it... It had hundreds of pages under the "paintings" category, with subheadings that included~
  • Taking the High Road Series
  • Landscape
  • Faces and Figures
  • Animals
  • Gouache Ink Resist (including a demo section)
  • still life
  • abstract
  • My Year of Paintings Series...
So Friday morning... I excitedly push the "publish" button and we are off and running, for a couple of minutes... then the "serious error with SiteBuilder" screen comes up.... AAAAGGGGHHH!!!!
I want to throw up.

Luckily, I had saved most everything on an external hard-drive (I had learned that hard lesson a couple of years ago) So I spent more hours importing files into the fresh (uninstalled then reinstalled) SiteBuilder...and re-doing the links ( they didn't work when I put the pages back in) And stopped with just my current work posted. Someday I might add some of the stuff back in... but for now I'm calling it "good enough".

So... you are probably asking..."Why doesn't she hire this done so she can just paint???" Here's why~
  • the expense
  • the flexibility of adding pages when new work is done...immediately
  • I would drive a designer/programmer crazy with my indecision and waffling. (I drive myself crazy)
  • I don't want to hunt for or interview website designers.
  • my very strong 'self reliant' tendencies.
  • and...."I can do it myself" said the little red hen. (rolling my eyes here)
I'm not saying that these reasons are good reasons... but they are my reasons.
I drive me crazy.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Distractions and Diversions... and some juried show advice

"Distractions and Diversions"
12 x 12
acrylic on canvas (framed)

Was delighted to hear that "Distractions and Diversions" received a prize in the Crystal Lake Art Center's All Media Show! The reception is the 11th, and I'll be there with bells on. :)

I submitted 2 paintings... the second one ("It's Complicated") got "declined"... which was a lot easier to shrug off since I won a prize with the other one... LOL
I'm usually quite philosophical about entering shows and try to remember the following~

I consider it a success if I:
  • fill out the form correctly
  • have color corrected, great photographs of the painting
  • select the best 2-3 available paintings that look good together
  • get all the labels in the right places
  • get the jpg's the correct size
  • get the jpg's labeled correctly
  • have everything in or postmarked by the deadline
  • just having the "ca-hones" to enter a juried show at all!
After that... It's out of my hands.... so fogetahboutit!

Having been a juror before, I know what a difficult job it is. Jurors are most often artists themselves.... They know how each person will feel when they get their results. It ain't easy to curate a show. Remember, the juror will be judged by every person that entered! They are either brilliant or a horses patoot, depending on how they filled out your jury results form!

So....My sage advice....

Try not to get too amped if you get in, let alone receive a prize...
so then on the flip side...

When the inevitable "declined" letters come... you can be Scarlett O'Hara~
"After all.... tomorrow is another day!"

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What gets me started....

"Circumventing Obstacles" (work in progress)
15 x 15
mixed media on watercolor paper

So where do you start when you are going to make a painting?
Well for me, it sort of goes like this....

I start usually with an idea. And then I keep the idea in my head as I sketch and doodle either right on the paper with pastel pencil or in my sketch book. I try to remember to write the idea or title on the back of the painting. I'm working on so many paintings at a time that I might forget what my intent was if it takes me a while to get back to it.

"Circumventing Obstacles" has started pretty much that way... With one slight difference... On my walk yesterday morning, I found this gorgeous lichen (see photo below) growing on a branch that fell into the driveway. I just loved the colors of it and decided that those colors would suit my intent for this painting... So my palette was chosen by nature.... so far.

I try to never box myself in with these early impulsive decisions.... If the painting works within this palette, great! But if I decide to go in a different color direction, that's ok too....The main thing is to just start somewhere! Put that brush to paper and GO!

Monday, August 24, 2009

How exciting!

"Distractions and Diversions 2"
12 x 12
Acrylic on canvas (sold)

I was really thrilled to find out that this painting won the "Peoples Choice" award at the Artcenter Traverse City's juried show last month! How about that! I was REALLY tickled because I know nobody in the area...strangers voted me in! (Other than you, Judy)

The really strange thing is that no one from the ArtCenter let me know that I'd won...LOL (My husband just happened to read it on their website.) We all need these little boosts.... so I'm sure glad he happened to see it.

Last week was chemo week with my mom... So I wasn't able to paint. Hopefully tomorrow...
It's really hard on us artists when we can't eek out our painting time.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Gwen Frostic...

Gwen Frostic 1906-2001

I have been visiting Platte Lake, in Honor Michigan since 1978... (my college roommate had a cottage). My parents bought a lot on the lake in the early 80's and built, first a cottage...and then their home....And now I'm living in the cottage as I help my mom recover from a stroke....I've been in this area a lot...

And now the "hang my artistic head in shame" part of the story......

Gwen Frostic's woodland studio, about 20 minutes from my parent's house, has been a popular tourist destination for all that time, and I had never (horrified and embarrassed gasp) made the effort to go and visit. On Tuesday I rectified that situation. Gwen's wood block prints are delightful and you can watch the printing presses in action from the shop balcony. Now that I've finally been there, I can highly recommend it.

I found this interview with Gwen when searching for more information about her... an interesting lady.

This Way Is Up......

"This Way Is Up"
15 x 15 inches
Acrylic on Watercolor paper (300#)
$400 unframed

Detail images below....

Again with the wonky ladder and 2 support imagery.... I can't seem to stop. :)

And on a completely unrelated note.....

I had written to Polly Hammett, (she has a great video from CCP called "Design with the Figure") asking her where she purchased the moldable foam stamps. I was delighted to get a very kind response from her today.

This material is a sort of foam product that when heated becomes soft. You can then press any number of things (fern, mesh, lace, leaves, your face...well, not really sure about that last one) ...then the foam cools and wha-la! A nifty stamp to add texture to any painting that needs "a little something there." Polly demonstrates this technique brilliantly in her video.

Polly said in her email:
"I heat mine on a hot coffee pot burner untill it gives just a little, then quickly push it on a raised surface....Lace, leaves ect.
It is like making magic!"

I'm going to get some of this foam so I can make some magic too!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Measured Progress....

"Measured Progress"
12 x 12
Acrylic on Acrylic paper
$230 (unframed)

This one is really different... Sort of spiritual. The design might make an interesting quilt... I might just try it again in fabric.... (in my spare time.... LOL)

Happy Birthday Donny!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Measured Progress...WIP

"Measured Progress"... WIP (Work In Progress)
12 x 12 inches
Acrylic on Acrylic paper (so far)

Preliminary shapes and values blocked in with Daniel Smith Gesso... Black, White and Venetian Red

Taking it a bit further...and now I want to stop and think a bit...

We are going to the Crystal Lake Art Center's fund raiser tonight... From what I hear it is an active group... and only about 20 minutes away. Looking forward to seeing all the goodies they'll have in the auction.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Celebrating Achievement

"Celebrate Achievement"
11 x 11
Acrylic and pencil on watercolor paper
$220 unframed

I had a friend express interest in "Support System", and since it's not available, I decided to try to complete a larger version of it that I had started some time ago.

And this is what I learned about that....

I have to just stick with the idea... and forget what I've done before...
I found myself glancing at "Support System" trying too hard to recreate it.
I'll continue on with the idea of the wonky ladder with the 2 supports....And even keep the title in mind as I paint... But there will never be another "Support System".

There will be more paintings with that idea behind them... some of the paintings will be worse... some might even be better.... (I can hope) But never the same.
I think that's great.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Transparent Ambition...

"Transparent Ambition"
6 x 6
Acrylic and pencil on collage paper

The word "ambition" has some interesting and sometimes conflicting connotations. I consider myself to be ambitious... but probably not in the traditional sense of the word. I am an ambitious learner... and experimenter with my painting... I'm rarely afraid to try something new, and to play around with the "what ifs" that pop into my head. I guess I consider that ambitious.

And what I mean by "Transparent Ambition" is simply be who you are...if you are excited about something... show it! Don't try to manipulate people or have some hidden agenda. Be authentically transparent.

I probably shouldn't have attempted to explain this cryptic title... it was quite ambitious of me. :)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Bubble Bubble Toil and Trouble

"Bubble Bubble Toil and Trouble"
6 x 6 inches
Acrylic on Acrylic Paper
$60 unframed

Today was another good day....

  • It was spent painting and listening to a good book tape (The Piano Teacher by Janice Y.K. Lee)....
  • I sold a painting and went to the Honor post office to ship it (A very neighborly place)....
  • Finally (after months) called Sears to come and fix my mom's dehumidifier (she bought a 5 year in home service warranty...who does that?)
  • Got a really good walk in before I even picked up a brush...
  • Got in doodle mode with this painting... but I ended up liking it! (which doesn't often happen for me when I'm in doodle mode)
  • Have another small painitng almost completed...and I sort of like that one too so far...

All in all.... a red letter day! Who knows where that phrase comes from... anybody? ...anybody?
Answer here! :)

Monday, July 20, 2009

What I love about home......

Rainbow from home... Taken the spring after we moved into the house in Oxford, MI.

I'm back up in the Traverse City area... helping out my mom... She's recovering from a stroke that she suffered in April... It's a long and seemingly slow process.... though we are so encouraged by her continued progress.

These are just a few of the things that I loved about being at home....

  • My own comfy bed (a Temperpedic)...
  • Wildlife out my windows...
  • Dear friends to walk with...
  • My gas stovetop...
  • Friends who buy a painting, then invite my husband and I to dinner when we deliver it...
  • Wonderful neighbors that stop by to see if I can come out to play... and I do!
  • More wonderful neighbors that organize a potluck so that we can all get together...
  • Art friends that come in to Lake Orion to have lunch together...
  • Watching my dear friend's most talented daughter as the musical director for a production of Beauty and the Beast. (She played the piano through the entire!)
I'm a true believer in the power of counting your blessings.... What are you thankful for?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

home again home again jiggity jig....

"Lyle Lyle Crocodile"
26 x 20
Acrylic on Yupo
$910 (unframed)

This is an older painting... and was the first thing I saw, to welcome me home to my studio! (This is one of my personal favorites) It'll be 2 weeks of packing up and throwing out..Which is better that packing out and throwing up I suppose. LOL Getting ready to move... but we still aren't quite sure where. So it will be an art break for 2 weeks... See you the week of the 27th!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Stop Pulling the Rungs Out From Under Me.....

"Stop Pulling the Rungs Out From Under Me"
11 x 11
Watercolor on Paper

I started this one earlier in the week... and it sat unresolved for a few days while I worked on the "Rocks and Hard Places" paintings... It has a serious theme...but painted in a light-hearted way. Which seems to be the way I cope with "stuff". As sad as my mom's condition is...(leukemia and she suffered a stroke) we manage to belly laugh more often than normal... Granted, the humor tends to be a bit dark.... but it's humor nonetheless... I'm very lucky to be wired that way.

Hope you enjoy your weekend... I'm going to the opening of the Artcenter Traverse City's member show tonight.... Really looking forward to it!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

More Rocks and Hard Places...

"Between Rocks and Hard Places 2"
15 x 11 inches
watercolor and pencil on paper
$280 unframed

Getting bigger with this idea.... Really wanted the orientation horizontal... but it reminded me too much of a snake... I really hate snakes.... *shiver

Oh... and Happy Birthday Sue! :)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Between Rocks and Hard Places...

"Between Rocks and Hard Places"
4 x 11 inches
watercolor and pencil on paper
$65 unframed

I am definitely going to keep going with this idea...

serene yet powerful...
quietly doing what needs to be done....
squeezing through tight places....
but getting through.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

High Road in Traverse City....

"Distractions and Diversions 2"
12 x 12
Acrylic on canvas (framed)

"Come Climb With Me"
24 x 24
Acrylic on Canvas (framed)

I was tickled to find out yesterday that both my paintings from the "Taking the High Road" series made it into the Artcenter Traverse City's member show. I have been up here in Honor, MI..helping out my mom since she became ill in April. I'm looking forward to the opening on Friday evening.... hoping to meet some Traverse City artists, and become involved in the art scene here.

It's been a challenge to find painting time... I have my watercolor paints here and I've been struggling with their limitations... BUT... limitations breed creative solutions...right?
So I'm jumping in with both my watercolor feet.... knowing that there is always gesso to cover over botched watercolor paintings. :)

Monday, July 6, 2009

Strength In Numbers....

"Strength In Numbers"
6 x 6
Mixed media on acrylic paper

I have a stack of "almost finished" paintings in the High Road series. I'll be able to get my acrylics next week so I can finish some of them when I come back up to northern Michigan. This one just needed a few colored pencil marks added to complete it. It's a very strange color combination. Complementary colors, but just a touch off. Jarring perhaps? hmmmmmmm.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Can't Get Enough Peonies....

"Jonnine's Peonies 2"
11 x 11

A more traditional view of the peonies.... One of the things I love about these light pink peonies is the contrast between the dark, harsh foliage color and the delicate soft pink of the blooms. Yum.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Watercolor...It's Been A Long Time....

"Jonnine's Peonies"
11 x 11

Well....Talk about rusty with the watercolor skills! It still felt good (though frustrating) to have my brushes wet. I'm up in Northern Michigan, helping out my Mom after a stroke.... away from my studio and supplies. I brought watercolor stuff, so that's what I'll be working with until my next trip home. I am not a fan of all the hard edges in this one... but I'm giving myself a break and calling it done... It has a bit of a wallpaper vibe going on that I don't hate.

Part of my morning ritual since I've been up here, has been to take the dog and a large mug of coffee and get the paper for my mom and two of her neighbors. They all have long driveways to the paper box, so it's a nice 10 minute morning walk. Yesterday, one of the neighbors left me a bunch of peonies on their porch... That unexpected surprise really made my day, and filled the room with delicious Peony scent. They were sitting still, so they got painted. :)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

morning walk....

This is the spot where I turn around to go back to my mom's house. It makes it about a 30 to 40 minute walk... depending upon what I see to waylay me. I walk in the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore Park... This road will eventually lead you to Lake Michigan, but that's more of a bike ride than a morning's a bit far. It's gonna be hot and humid here today. High of 90. I love air conditioning. I'm going to paint today....and will have something to post tomorrow. Yippee Skippee!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Smiles....take 'em where you get 'em....

I am amazed that I have been on this roller coaster for two and a half months. Time fly's when you are being a caregiver to your mom after a stroke. So when I popped the top of a soft Philly cream cheese tub...and this adorable smiley face was revealed.... I cracked up. I kid you not... this is exactly how it was... no scrapping or adjusting of the soft cream cheese. :) Who could not smile back?

My mom is progressing really well... but it's a very long road. We are celebrating the little victories, and enjoying her being able to be at home. One day at a time.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Still in Traverse City....

"Platte Lake"
8x8 watercolor
From my "year of painting" series... 4 years how time flies!!!

I'm still here in Traverse City Michigan, and will be for another few weeks. The painting is an older one, the view from the screen porch. My mom is on the inpatient rehabilitation floor at Munson Hospital after suffering a stroke from Acute Myelogenous Leukemia. Quite a surprise to us all, since she was golfing in Florida 7 weeks ago... As a heads up for all of you... Her only symptom was gout in her hand... so if you or your parents are near 70 or older and have gout, make sure they do a blood test to rule out AML...

Monday, May 11, 2009

Fun at my Opening Reception...

Some of the paintings hung...

Yours truly on the left, Leila and Chris (center,gallery owners) and Susan Kell, fine artist and excellent instructor.

Here are a couple of photos from the opening of my show at Flint St. Gallery last Friday evening...I arrived early to find an even earlier group of friends, and forgot all about the camera! The evening was wonderful... The space was filled most of the night, spilling outside occasionally. At one point some people stopped in to see what the line was for! We remembered the camera with about 15 minutes to go and I did get my husband to snap this shot. Thanks so very much to all of you that came... Your support means so much to me.

Four of the paintings sold that night, which was very exciting. The show will be up through the 31st of May, so if you're interested, you should stop in!

I'm back up north in Traverse City, with my mom. We are taking things one day at a time...and today was a good day!

Friday, May 8, 2009

"Along the Polly Ann Trail"
7x11 watercolor (sold)

I dug out an older piece today. This watercolor was done of a scene I walk by most mornings when I'm home. I am lucky to have some hearty walking buddies that I meet up with at 8 am. We walk, laugh, cry and solve all the worlds problems on our 3 mile hike. We go in the rain (I pretend I'm living in Scotland) snow, fog, ice...we trudge on. :) It is the best mental and physical health appointment I go to....Thanks girls!

I got home from Traverse City (my mom's very ill) last night, my sister is with her until Saturday. The reception for my show "Taking the High Road" at Flint St. Gallery is tonight. I'm so looking forward to it! I haven't seen the paintings hung yet... I imagine it will be a very nice feeling. Hope to see you there!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Guilded Climb...

"Guilded Climb"
acrylic on Yupo

This one started by rolling some of Daniel Smith's fabulous gold gesso onto the piece of yupo paper. then I started scraping out with one of those rubber scraper tools while the gesso was still wet. I let that dry then went back in with black, white and a bit of copper paint. A very different palette for me. A bit sophisticated... dah-link. :)

Sitting with mom in the hospital... she probably won't be getting out for a few days. I'll be going back home probably Wednesday. My show reception is Friday evening... Looking forward to seeing the paintings hung! :)

It is an absolutely glorious day here in Traverse City... I can spy the bay from the window here...
Enjoy your day!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Climbing Patterns.....

"Climbing Patterns"
Acrylic on paper

Another tiny one for my show this month... It will be hung Sunday...... Reception Friday evening.
This one feels like a quilt to me... a teeny tiny quilt.... a quiltlet. :)

Still up here in Honor Michigan... My mom got some better news at the Oncologists office yesterday... Things are moving in the right direction... We also had a good showing of the house .... and it was my youngest son's Birthday.... Happy Birthday Bobby! (yesterday)
A good day indeed...

Enjoy your weekend!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Earn Your Stripes....

"Earn Your Stripes"
Acrylic on Yupo

Another tiny one that will be at the show next month.

I'm up in Honor, MI... staying with my mom while she fights Acute Myelogenous Leukemia.
We went to Traverse City this morning for blood tests...and all the numbers are going in the right direction... Yay! For 2 weeks we thought she had gout in her wrist... and that the gout medication was making her feel puny... Sure wish that was the case. It was a shock to get the correct diagnosis to say the least. Thanks so much to all you well-wishers... much appreciated!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Framey Framey Framing....

Framed Paintings for my show next month....
Taking the High Road series

I am almost finished with my framing for my show at Flint St. Gallery. It really is fun to see the new ones all framed up and relaxing on the carpet together... :) They are a spirited bunch.

My mom's health update: She is supposedly going to be able to get home this afternoon. :) I know she'll feel much better out of that nice as they are there. She'll be getting her chemotherapy as an out patient for the most part. We won't know her prognosis until the blood test results come back from Mayo Clinic some time next week. Thanks for all the good wishes and prayers... Much appreciated...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Mom's Poppies...

"Mom's Poppies"
Mixed media with a fabric pieced mat

Unfortunately, a different sort of post today.... My mom is suddenly very ill with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia... We are waiting on some blood test results to see what chemo options she might have. Good thoughts coming our way would be much appreciated. My posts will be a bit less frequent for a while. Thanks.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Space Climb

"Space Climb"
acrylic on collage paper

I'm quite possessed with these small compositions... Not a lot of time or materials are invested and I guess it makes them very freeing!

We have a showing of the house tomorrow morning... so a studio clean-up is in order... Lord, I wish I was tidy in my habits....
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

It's a Spring Thing....

"It's a Spring Thing"
Acrylic and pencil on Yupo paper (smooth plastic paper)
(c) 2009

I just keep churning out these tiny paintings... Hopefully I'll have a nice selection for my show next month. If you look closely, it does have a ladder or two in it. But my scribbles overtook them. :)

It is an absolutely spectacular day here in Michigan.... sigh. Finally, a bit of spring!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

TV News

"TV News"
Acrylic and pencil on Yupo

Sometime paint doodling results in amusing things. My ladders turned into TV news anchors...
Can you tell that I don't often watch TV news? :)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Beam Me Up Scotty....

"Beam Me Up Scotty"
Acrylic and pencil on collage paper

I kept humming the "Jetsons" theme song while I was painting this.... :)
Another small one for my show next month... I'll probably be painting right up 'til the last minute because that's just the kind of girl I am....

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

"Think Pink"
watercolor on paper

A hippity hoppity happy Easter to all!